Nola RPG  (Big Easy Table Top RPGs - New Orleans Roleplaying D&D D20 GURPS)
Table Top Game Systems >> Dungeons & Dragons 4.0+ >> Buying books, miniatures and other stuff

Message started by moyphotos on Jul 29th, 2010 at 8:10pm

Title: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by moyphotos on Jul 29th, 2010 at 8:10pm
Ok, with all the talk of, "Should I buy the DM's guide for 4th edition, is it worth it", "Where can I find minis for my game that are cheap?" I have a simple question, that will prefaced by the following:

I know I can find the PHB1 & PHB2 cheap by simply buying the special package that WOC (Wizards of the Coast), offers for about $35.00, equal normally to the price of either book by itself.

I also know that I bought it online at Amazon for $26

I am very aware as well that I enjoy having a venue at the local store where we game.  I do buy drinks, snacks, card holders/protectors & have even bought some minis that he had there.

I am reluctant however to buy one of the new books that I do not have, for $34.95, plus tax, when I can buy it online for $26.95 shipped (within 2 days).  I still want to support the store but need, not want to, save money, as do we all.  So should I buy one or two books from the local store?

This is pretty simple as he does not stock any new ones, sets or should I say has very limited quantities.  I can save almost 40% if I buy them online.

Pro is that I can see what they actually look like before I get it.

Other stuff
Paints, brushes, etc.  At this time, he does not have any.  But I do like having someone who has used them and knows what they are talking about.

I would like to hear any opinions on this good, bad or indifferent.

Some thoughts I have right away...
I want it and will eventually get it.
It is here, right now, so I can use it now.
With taxes it is $13 more.
I buy comics from the store when I am there.

SO what do you think?

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by beyonder on Jul 29th, 2010 at 8:34pm
You should wait until D&D Essentials is released; that's what you should do.

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by moyphotos on Jul 29th, 2010 at 8:37pm
Well that happens/is released in what?  September?  November?  I wanted to use some elements from them now.  Even if I wait for that, you still did not I get it from the local shop?

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by Avatar Adam on Jul 29th, 2010 at 8:52pm
You know my position of buying all the books from those blood-suckers, but I was recently told that any other means of obtaining the material should not be spoken of. I assume this person thinks that the FBI will come crashing through my window "Hackers" style and put me in a hole somewhere without due process.

As for the minis, eBay, baby! I got 16 booster packs for $90.

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by beyonder on Jul 29th, 2010 at 9:20pm
Adam, I just got off the phone with the feds.  Chuck Norris and the Most Interesting Man in the World are currently en route to your domicile to personally head butt all of your hard drives.  Your ass is going down.

But seriously, Mr. Moy - what do I think?  I think it depends on the store.

Also, WWJD?

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by moyphotos on Jul 29th, 2010 at 10:24pm
Like they didn't already have Adams address...we know he has a file...
He's so old school, he's actually a phone phreak.

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by Avatar Adam on Jul 30th, 2010 at 1:49am
You guys are too much. Sean has got to be the king of movie references! I was just borrowing his style!

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by KaosReigns on Aug 2nd, 2010 at 4:59pm
Personally I have spent way to much on D&D4 and will prob not play it again.  I got everything from Amazon.  But when it comes down to it buying books is a choice of how and where.  Yes, buying from Amazon is significantly cheaper than buying from a local bookstore or game store and if I have the choice between Barns & Noble and Amazon, Amazon will win almost every time.  However, I am willing to buy from a local book store (not a chain) or game store to support the area and hobby.  I am willing to pay a little extra to keep a game store in business if they have what I am looking for when I am looking for it, or can get it without charging me an arm and a leg for something I could get cheaper on the internets.  The bennies of buying from a local game store are they stay in business, you can get what you want when you want it (at least with major titled games), a place to hang out and talk gaming, a place to game, and a hub for the community (if everyone plays nice together).

Anyway, this is just my rambling 2 cents on buying books.

(If anyone is interested I will be creating a post to sell off the D&D4 stuff I have bought.  Right now it is sitting on a shelf in my closet and I could use the cash to buy stuff I will actually use.  So if you are looking for some of the core books look for that post with asking prices later in the day/evening.)

Title: Re: Buying books, miniatures and other stuff
Post by hewhorocks on Aug 2nd, 2010 at 6:40pm
Well spending $5 is probably to much if your not going to use/enjoy a book. That said, I often buy books online. Miniatures, paints and modeling supplies though I typically get at my friendly Local Gaming store. I'm looking forward to +1 opening though I think I am no longer in the high-spending demographic.

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