Nola RPG  (Big Easy Table Top RPGs - New Orleans Roleplaying D&D D20 GURPS)
New Orleans Roleplaying Connection >> Game Openings >> [D&D 4]Haven

Message started by Fuzzus on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 10:31pm

Title: [D&D 4]Haven
Post by Fuzzus on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 10:31pm
So I have an idea for a campaign bouncing around in my head, and I wanted to see if anyone here was interested in playing in it. Here's the teaser:

    A red sun sets slowly, drifting down behind a craggy mountain range. Dust storms rage, tearing at scrubland grasses and covering the pools of water that dot the landscape with a fine layer of grit. Vermin and minor predators dance the steps of survival during the chilly nights, and retreat into their rocky dens as the merciless sun rises again over the land. This is Snaggletooth Valley, and it is the last refuge of the Outcast Peoples...but it is not their land.
    Most of the western valley is taken up by Rustark, the goblin city. Over the shoddy claptrap of metal and timber that the goblins call home, a putrid fog of smoke and pollution chokes the air. Three small rivers, controlled by the goblin locks on the lip of Lake Snaggletooth, ooze slowly eastward, carrying along the ooze, detritus, and goblin effluent until the waters peter out at toxic landfill swamps just west of the valley's center. The valley dips further into its center, a barren crater all that remains of the lake that once pooled there. East of the crater is scrubland and desert, dehydrated by the loss of the lake, and as the valley slopes up again eastward, the land remains rough and parched until it hits the Defiant Wall.
    Stretching between the mountains at the valley's eastern edge, the Defiant Wall sets the town of Haven apart from the rugged wilderness. All of the Outcast Peoples congregate here: hardy humans, quick elves, stout dwarves, wise eladrin, gregarious halflings, noble dragonborn, versatile half-elves, and mysterious tieflings. Despite their disparate backgrounds, however, their numbers have dwindled to merely two thousand souls, and they cower behind their wall, intimidated by the wasteland to their west and bullied by the hundred thousand goblins beyond it. Snaggletooth Valley is their world, and as far as the Outcasts know, they are the very last of their kind.
    Haven's Elder Council -- made up of one male and one female of each race (except half-elves) -- have long dedicated themselves to the survival of its citizens. The major political dividing line is whether to remain in Haven and fortify it against weather, goblins, famine and disease, or to strike out to find a new land where the Outcasts can spread and flourish. Those to wish to stay behind the Defiant Wall call themselves "defenders," and those who seek to leave Haven name themselves "explorers." The council has always been heavily weighted with defenders, however, as few who venture outside the Wall return.
    You and your friends, however, are firmly in the camp of the explorers. You feel that this cannot possibly be all that the world has in store for yourself and your people. Whether you seek to fight the goblin horde, escape through the mountains, or dream of something else entirely, you know that Haven is limiting your potential. How you escape Snaggletooth Valley -- and your fate -- is up to you.

Right now, Haven is a low-level campaign that will gradually expand into a complete world. The PCs will start at 1st level, but experience gain will be accelerated (shooting for a level up every session or two for the first few sessions). The players I'm looking for need not be experienced with the system, but must be open to roleplaying and mature enough to put the group's fun first. If you're interested, please drop me a PM!

Title: Re: [D&D 4]Haven
Post by hewhorocks on Jul 9th, 2009 at 5:46pm
Sa’Halia has stood guard on these walls to long. She has watched brothers and friends fall prey to the goblin raiders and knows that should they cease becoming a squabbling rabble and organized the full might of their foul city under a single banner they might squash Haven in less than a fivemoon. The walls hold off the gangs of gobliniods who venture this far seeking easy pickings and loot though Haven is uneasy and parent and child alike sleep with a blade at hand. The goblins breed faster than rats, and Sa’Halia is certain that unless Haven is relocated to greener pastures she will see all she has ever loved die within the walls. Gods be my witness, I will strike down every last one of these vermin who stand in our way until we find the promised lands of our  birthright.

(Concept : Haven City watch who now wants to be more proactive in her methods of service to Haven.  Glaive wielding Avenger – striker)

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