Nola RPG  (Big Easy Table Top RPGs - New Orleans Roleplaying D&D D20 GURPS)
Wyverndale Campaign >> Wyverndale Campaign general >> Wyverndale Campaign start point?

Message started by hewhorocks on Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:10pm

Title: Wyverndale Campaign start point?
Post by hewhorocks on Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:10pm
Nearly a Century after the hordes swept eastward out of the scar lands towards the Sea of grass small pockets of orcish raiders still roam the countryside. Granted their numbers north of the Kelix river are far fewer now than at any time since the horde was turned back at Shattered bridge (then known as Whitehall,) still when the Kelix river runs shallow or in very cold years when it freezes over any manner of beast may cross into the realm.

On a fall evening a caravan traveling between the City of Hilderbrand and Wyverdale has stopped for the night south of longwood and travelers sit around a half dozen small fires trading stories, drinking wine and roasting meat on spits sending sweet smells wafting in the crisp autumn air.

A young man dressed in poor garb approaches the camp going from fire to fire relaying his story to anyone who will listen.

You might be forgiven for not knowing the town of Pear-grove. It is a small community just north of Wyverndale not noted for much of anything except perhaps its namesake. Folks from this hamlet don’t travel much and few have reason to visit.  For ten years the villagers of this hamlet have had a nuisance named Grim Jack. Jack is an Ogre who would stumble into town ripe on fermented berry wine and demand bread or mutton or usually more drink. He is a big fellow and fearsome no doubt but never did more than break a storehouse door or a fence and so while generally hated it wasn’t worth the trouble or risk of driving him out of town, and there are worse things that might take up in the ruined tower out near the hollows than a drunkard ogre.

Recently Grim Jack has been demanding odd things, Herbs from Old lady Beschel, Candles and lamp oil from several of the outlying farms and powdered silver from the salt-smith. Worse the young man's betrothed Francine has gone missing two days now. While he suspects Jack took her, he can not confront the brute alone. He offers 100 silver coins to anyone who can rescue her. From the looks of the young man you would be surprised to find the whole town had half as much amongst them.

Title: Re: Wyverndale Campaign start point?
Post by hewhorocks on Oct 9th, 2008 at 12:02am
Map of Wyverndale area

wverndale2-wip_001.JPG (209 KB | )

Title: Re: Wyverndale Campaign start point?
Post by hewhorocks on Oct 12th, 2008 at 8:33am
For those looking for a clearer picture of the start location pear grove is the far northern top on the close up. Once PC's are generated, any question regarding locations on the map can be answered based on IC knowledge. I am still attempting to reconcile the pantheon with the current incarnation of the religion rules. (Domains as distinguishing factors in so far as abilities have largely disappeared.) To simplify things let us constrict to religious choices to phb with the understanding that while many more deities exist, the ability to channel them (as far as pc's are concerned) is currently unavailable. Similarly the monk, druid and bard classes (among others) are not available. Once the 4th ed source books are published those options should open up. These things exist (the Sea of grass is populated with nomadic tribes) but the class name "Barbarian" does not. A suitable barbarian pc could be build with existing classes and would be treated as a barbarian by NPC's....You get the idea.

A note on the exotic races in the near realms:

Humans and halfling are common.
Dwarves less so but are often traveling merchants as soon not unwelcome.
Fey are are viewed with some suspicion but generally well liked.
Tieflings... try not to advertise themselves. Many folks would burn them at the stake as witches (somehow wizards are ok?)
Dragon-born: Dwarves & and to a lesser extent Elves honor them. Most Humans and halflings probably think they are just lizardmen or worse.

Let me know what type of character you want to play and we can work together to come up with something that will be the right flavor for the dish.
currently.JPG (67 KB | )

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