Nola RPG  (Big Easy Table Top RPGs - New Orleans Roleplaying D&D D20 GURPS)
Table Top Game Systems >> Dungeons & Dragons 4.0+ >> this week's gaming session

Message started by Rudo on Jun 27th, 2008 at 6:44pm

Title: this week's gaming session
Post by Rudo on Jun 27th, 2008 at 6:44pm
Assuming we're going to continue with DnD 4th this week, I wanted to encourage everyone to tweak your character and spend a few minutes thinking about any important background details you'd like to incorporate.  We'll treat last week as a pilot episode.  If you want to make a new character this week, you can do so with no exp penalty.  We're not starting over, but there isn't too much invested in these characters yet, so you can make alterations.

This week I will spend a few minutes discussing a couple relevant background issues.  We'll keep it simple for the most part unless you have specific complications you'd like to introduce ^_^.  There are just a few points of knowledge and/or NPCs I may need to introduce to some individuals depending on how we work out these background details.  Nothing too important, just a few nails to solidify your characters' presence in this world before we continue with the adventure.


Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by Liam on Jun 27th, 2008 at 7:03pm
Go ahead and start threads in here about the game world and its history.    When I get around to making the area for the game I can move them.  If nothing else, I will make them during the game this week.  I've just been tired and lazy lately because of the new job.

I have done some reading.  I've read all the race stuff and classes is next.  I might want to switch characters next week but I am just not far enough along in the reading.    Or I just might make 10 characters or so for the fun of it and keep being the party's mage.

Shame Gary can't play again.  I'd love to see him play a tiefling warlock.  I think he'd be amusing with a "I want to be good but I have this evil streak" kind of character.

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by The DM on Jun 27th, 2008 at 9:32pm
hhaha Yeah, Gary would enjoy himself I am sure. I have not heard from him in some time. I have to find out what is going on. He was supposed to come over last week and hang out while we work on his shitty ass computer.

I don't see a need to change characters around. I am sure being a cleric will be difficult enough for you guys. hehe

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by david on Jun 28th, 2008 at 12:37am
i wish to go for a halfling rogue character rather than the paladin. i used the paladin mostly because i had him put together already so i didn't have to make a new character, otherwise i'd have made a dragonborn paladin just to be cheesy about it. besides, a rogue can get things done that others may not be able to accomplish. consider Quamut's battle prowess to have been impressive upon the halfling that escorted us so much that he was moved to a different team that needed more paladin-ness added. i'll introduce the new halfling that isn't an NPC lieutenant on saturday evening.

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by Liam on Jun 28th, 2008 at 12:53am
Does that mess with Reino's character since his buddy is gone?  Can Ray's character be Reino's buddy or does the cleric need to change some?

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by The DM on Jun 28th, 2008 at 1:22am
NOOOOO!!!! You suck david. Now the dynamic duo is gone. hehe

But seriously, I was looking forward to having a Kord buddy with me. Clerical isolation usually bites balls.

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by david on Jun 28th, 2008 at 2:21am
hey now, halflings will be buddies with anyone. i'll play him like a kender just to make him extra jovial. besides, a dwarf is more likely to be the victim friend of a halfling anyhow.

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by Loslagost on Jun 28th, 2008 at 2:37am
What character types do we have thus far?  So I can figure out what my character should be.

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by Liam on Jun 28th, 2008 at 3:45am
We had a human mage, half-elf fighter, dwarf cleric, and human paladin.   I think.

The paladin is becoming a halfling rogue so we have the basic four which leave you open.

I guess the logical thing would be to be a missle weapon guy so ... ranger.   Or maybe a warlock?  An eledrin with its weird movement might be cool.  A dragon born would be cool except we have a fighter and cleric already.

Title: Re: this week's gaming session
Post by Rudo on Jun 28th, 2008 at 5:18am
Play whatever race/class sounds like fun to you!  Even if you play a character that shares a class with another PC you can distinguish yourself in combat by the weapons you wield and the powers you invoke.  You can distinguish yourself outside of combat by your peronality, appearance, and other quirks.

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